Sunday, March 1, 2020

Night Circus Response

Night Circus is a book that in my opinion, you have to read twice. For me, the first time reading this story, I didn’t understand all of the nuances and characters, until it was too late. For me, that’s something very rare when it comes to good books. Most books you read today, you know the entire plot and how it’s going to end. So many stories nowadays are predictable and something you’ve probably read already. When reading, The Night Circus, I didn’t feel that way. The plot is so loosely written in the beginning that the only connection you can see is between Marco and Celia. As the story proceeds, one can get confused with the POV and time period jumps. But as the story goes on, Morgenstern, brings all of those jumps together and connects them to your two main connections, Marco and Celia. The book doesn’t really give you time to stop and think about what is happening and how Morgenstern is pulling so many plots together until the book is almost done.
What I appreciate so much about what the author does here is that she knew what she was doing with distracting you in the beginning making you think you knew the story between Marco and Celia, however, by the end of the book there’s so many different things happening and so many different people introduced and connected to one another.
My complaint about this book however, is the amount of POV characters. The first time reading this story, I was for sure lost and confused, there’s almost twelve POV’s if not more. Even at the beginning of the story the author makes you feel as though you’re the one walking through the circus but then is switched to another character. However, if you give it another read, and keeping the ending in mind you understand the characters more and why the author wrote them in at those specific times.
Other than that, I really did appreciate this book and it was a fun read!       

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